

Developing Confidence Through Your Coaching Signature

Coaching can be seen as a professional art, seeking to profoundly impact others. To truly excel as a coach, we need to understand the essence of our coaching style, which we, at Sandown Business School, often refer to as a ‘Your Coaching Signature’. This unique fingerprint sets every coach apart. It can play a pivotal role

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Team and Group Coaching – What are the Differences?

In today’s fast-paced and collaborative work environments, coaching has emerged as an invaluable way of supporting individuals with their personal & professional development. Whilst individual coaching has long been recognised and the ROI is steadily becoming more widely accepted, the concepts of team coaching and group coaching have gained significant prominence in the last few

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Reflection of observed practice #2.

Observed practices are sessions which take place in groups of three, where one acts as the observer (with camera off) and the other two as coach and client and we take it in turns to fulfil each of the three roles. Our second observed practice in the course, is one which we were to submit

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Beginning Again with a Beginner’s Mind.

The beginner’s mind is seeing the world through the beginner’s eyes. The phrase beginner’s mind comes from the Zen Buddhism term, Shoshin. It refers to the paradox of the more you know about a subject the more likely you are to have a closed mind to further learning. As the Zen monk Shunryu Suzuki wrote

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