Coaching Academy

A New Science Of Coaching

Embark on a fulfilling coach or mentor career with Sandown Business School. Discover our comprehensive programmes, expert faculty and hands-on training to kick-start your journey as a successful coach.

Are you looking for a career as a Life Coach, Career Coach? Or do you envision yourself as an Executive Coach, Business Coach or a Leader involved in coaching and mentoring in the workplace?

Say Yes to becoming a Professionally Accredited Coach and find your pathway to a career in coaching with our professional coaching programmes!

Final Countdown to the Launch of Full Coaching Pathway Autumn Coaching Diplomas on 09 October, 2024:

Secure Your Exclusive Place in a World of Coaching Excellence


Develop as a professional coach

by choosing one of our globally accredited and award winning training programmes

professional coaching
professional coaching
professional coaching
EMCC professional coaching
professional coaching
professional coaching
AC2 professional coaching
AC3 professional coaching
professional coaching
professional coaching programme

Recognising The Needs Of Today

A Hybrid Business School Enriched By The Latest Research And 50+ Years Of Experience

Sandown Business School is one of the newest, trusted and high quality hybrid business schools run by professionals with over 50 years of experience. We also run one of the few treble accredited programmes by the ICF, EMCC and AC.

Our professional coaching programmes are enriched by the latest knowledge & research joined together with our commercial, coaching and leadership experiences. Sandown Business School exists in service of the recognition for today’s need to be a lifelong learner, offering the benefits of coaching and mentoring in challenging the status quo and unlocking potential at every level while co-creating your desired outcomes.

Science-Backed Coaching Methodology

The New Science Of Coaching With Science, Artistry And Systems

Our signature coaching approach is designed to develop coaches and coach mentors to meet the highest quality standards, helping them learn how to coach to meet the needs of our modern world, filling in the gaps in development areas.

We also support leaders to build successful teams in a digital workplace by focusing on the whole-system human leader.

Join us and discover the Alchemy of Coaching, which balances the wisdom of Science, Artistry and Systems.

professional coaching programme
professional coaching


Evolutionary heritage

We have evolved to adapt to changing environments and identify threats to ensure our survival. As a side-effect, we also tend to tolerate undesirable circumstances for too long and overemphasize otherwise less threatening situations. Awareness is vital to realise when our coding serves us.


Master your mind

Developing effective reflective practices that shifts unconscious behaviour to conscious behaviour leaving you with a new mindset that creates choices for you to make the most of every opportunity.


Study of 'being'

How effectively we operate depends on our actual and perceived reality and how far that is from our desired reality. We must understand what we want and what we need to do about our current situation to get closer to that ideal state.


Unlocking potential

True artistry enables the mastery in you to emerge. Learn how to skilfully interweave your knowledge, skills, ability, capability and most importantly - you - so that you are bringing your artistry to all you touch.


Interconnected living

Systemic awareness is being consciously aware of all that is supporting us, all that is emerging around us and all that is impacting us - directly and mostly indirectly. Becoming aware of the interconnectedness of all our systems is a step towards becoming more empowered and resilient.

Your Roadmap To Coaching & Mentoring Success

Go From Aspiring Coach to a Certified Expert, One Step at a Time

Discover the ultimate pathway to coaching success at Sandown Business School.

Our professional coaching programmes take you on a transformative journey, empowering you to evolve from an aspiring coach to a certified expert. Walk away with all you need to succeed as a professional, fully credentialed coach.

Each step along the way is carefully designed to build your skills, knowledge and confidence, ensuring you become a highly sought-after professional in the coaching industry. Embark on this rewarding adventure and unlock your true coaching potential with our expert facilitators.

The Coaching & Mentoring Pathway

Open Event

Get all your professional coaching related questions answered.

SBS Certificate in Coaching

Curious about Coaching? This is the best place to start.

Read more details

Practitioner Diploma

Setting the foundations as a professionally accredited coach.

Read more details

Advanced Practitioner Diploma

Start here if you are serious about building a professional coaching business.

Read more details

Master Diploma

Fast-Track your Coaching Career and Business and achieve Mastery.

Read more details

The Leader as Coach Pathway

Open Event

Get all your professional coaching related questions answered.

Leader as Coach Workshop

Learn how to become a leader-coach.

Get in touch

2 Day Leader as Coach

Incorporate coaching into people development.

Get in touch

Professional Award in Executive Coaching

Learn modern day professional coaching skills you can integrate quickly into your role.

Read more details

Unlock Your Potential

Choose Your Coaching Path to Success

Our hands-on professional coaching programmes will help you master essential skills, strategies and mindsets to reach the next level in your career and life. Select the option that best matches your current needs and ambitions.

Professional Award in Executive Coaching with Science, Artistry and Systems

This programme is run over

12 weeks

Modular (online)

12 weeks, 75 hours

Apply for a detailed Student Prospectus now and see what fits your schedule.


Early bird discounts available.

Globally Accredited Practitioner Diploma in Coaching with Science, Artistry and Systems

This programme is run over

7 months

and is currently run online

Modular (online)

7 months, 107 hours + 25 hours pro-bono

Apply for a detailed Student Prospectus now and see what fits your schedule.


Early bird discounts available.

Globally Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coaching with Science, Artistry and Systems

This programme is run over

10 months

and is currently run online

Modular (online)

10 months, 191 hours + 40 hours pro-bono

Apply for a detailed Student Prospectus now and see what fits your schedule.


Early bird discounts available.

Master Diploma in Leadership Coaching and Mentoring With Science, Artistry and Systems

This programme is restricted in numbers, tailored to your learning requirements and runs over
13 months

Modular (online)

13 months, 270 hours + 60 hours paid and pro-bono

Apply for a detailed Student Prospectus now and see how this fits your schedule. Book your place for Autumn 2023.


Early bird discounts available.

Scan the QR code or click the Buy button to secure your spot to any of the programmes with a €250 deposit

Still Unsure

About Your Decision?

We've put together the key features of our professional coaching programmes in one place to help you find the best solution for you.

All programmes have been built to suit anyone with a busy job or life and guaranteed to produce huge returns in saved energy and time in the future.

A Transformational Learning Experience

Developing Coaches fit for any coaching niche

We will give you a robust toolbox filled to the brim with practical techniques, methods, theories and processes you can put into action immediately. Our purpose is to equip you with the skills that put you in the elite of any coaching niche.

Armed with the skills and insights taught in our coaching programme, you will transform the way you work with individuals and teams, fostering a culture of productivity, morale and success. Once these tools become second nature, you'll wonder how you ever lived without them.

professional coaching programme


Learning Approach

Our teaching is based on a spiral learning curriculum which has three key principles:

(1) Cyclical Learning,
(2) Increasing Depth on each iteration, and
(3) Learning by building on prior knowledge.

Jerome Bruner (1960) developed a curriculum design in which key concepts are presented repeatedly throughout the curriculum, but with deepening layers of complexity, or in different applications. As each of the layers becomes internally activated and accepted, the learner can move on to the next layer, building their skill, confidence and ultimately - mastery.


Training Approach

We take a person-centred approach to adult learning.

Our coaching programmes are experiential; learning by doing, being, questioning, developing and authentically becoming more you.

We will show you how to develop a reflective practice, deepen self-awareness and recognise any limiting beliefs. All of which will equip you throughout your professional and personal life. Embedded in all our coaching programmes is feedforward which you will receive from peers, tutors and, if you choose, a mentor coach (which can be used as part of your accreditation portfolio).


Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is formed by the belief that everyone has the right to pursue knowledge

There are three methodologies we use to explore knowledge: Science, Artistry and Systems. These three methodologies are currently expressed through Neuroscience, Psychology and Ontology.

Our working definitions are:

Neuroscience – Scientific study of the nervous system
Psychology – Scientific study of the mind and behaviour
Ontology – Study on the nature of being


Coaching Structure

The Alchemy archetype runs throughout our training methods. We believe in the following:

• Alchemists believe in endless possibilities.
• Alchemists are motivated to manifest new and more compassionate visions for themselves and the world.
• Alchemists are motivated to act.
• Alchemists are curious.
• Alchemists are catalysts.
• Alchemists are innovators.

If you can tick any of these traits – our coaching programmes are designed with you in mind.

If this resonates with your aspirations as a learner,

we invite you to experience our rigorous yet transformative professional coaching programme first-hand.

Let us know how we can support you on your journey towards mastery.

What Can You Expect

From Us

We want our legacy to be the development of high calibre global professional coaching programmes.

We are committed to the pursuit of excellence based on robust science, honouring the uniqueness of each developing coach. We have designed stimulating, demanding and enjoyable coaching programmes that will bring out and develop your own inherent knowledge and abilities. Be prepared to grow and develop.

Quality is Paramount

Our professional coaching programmes will enable you to gain the most up-to-date globally recognised professional coaching qualifications.

Our Signature models have been developed over many years of experience. Our facilitators hold coaching credentials with the following professional bodies: ICF/EMCC and AC. They are Master Certified Coaches and have extensive business & organisational experience.

You are in amazing hands.

professional coaching programme
professional coaching programme

'How You are is How You Coach'

We have adapted a well known quote to align with one of our core beliefs 'How you are is how you coach'. Therefore you can expect:

a) support as you challenge your filters, bias and assumptions; b) to embed your learning by practice, observation and receive feedforward from a variety of sources; and most importantly c) to deepen and enrich your understanding of you.

This is our invitation to you. Come and develop your authentic self, align your inner-net, know who you are, how to remain balanced, resourced and strong in yourself. Develop the ability to listen and question to a healthy impact level that is in service of your client. Know how to focus on your client’s agenda, bring all of you to the conversation and ultimately make the difference for your client's potential. We know how amazing you are – the question is … do you?

Remember - Healthy Coaches Coach Healthily

Who Will Benefit From Our Coaching & Mentoring Programmes?

Our world is evolving faster than we are developing our adaptation skills! Never in the world's history have humans been asked to cope with so many demands on their attention, energy and focus. We therefore need different types of intelligences and capabilities, integrated into our way of being, in order to thrive not merely survive.

Whilst traditional Linear Coaching supports you to get things done and to move forward quickly. It does raise a question - is there a real change? Or is the change in the 'doing' rather than the 'being'?

We, at SBS, focus on just that - how to change 'being' which results in transformational change. Our approach provides a systemic biological transformation that enables the individual to 'be' more rather than just 'do' more. We provide a whole-system approach to coaching. What does this mean? You (and your clients) will be able to make quality decisions, regulate your energy and manage your internal nervous system triggers. All of which automatically translates into being more resilient, more creative and ultimately being grounded with a healthy nervous system based in Reward - not Threat.

professional coaching programme

Employ Science, Artistry And Systems In Coaching And

Stay Ahead of The Curve

You Need To Say Yes To This Programme If...

Our Treble Accredited Professional Coaching Programmes

Develop Market Ready Coaches and Coach Mentors and Develops Future Leaders

Act Now...

Stay Ahead!

The Market Expects Coaches to Have The Right Credentials

And From Recognised Globally Accrediting Bodies.

According to the World Economic Forum in the Fifth Industrial Revolution, humans and machines will dance together, metaphorically.

This will allow for a more humanistic, somatic and human-centred approach to coaching. It needs a school of ethics dedicated to enabling coaches and clients to be safe. Progressive accrediting bodies like the ICF, EMCC and AC are essential in future-proofing the service offer of coaching to organisations and individuals. Therefore before you say yes to any programme, ensure it is fully accredited by a globally recognised association and not just offers hours towards possible credentials.

professional coaching programme

Our Accreditation Pathway

Can make a world of difference to Coaches

"The programme is amazing Pheona. I have been on many courses including a masters and have never received the level of detail and well-thought-out content as is in this programme. I am delighted to be able to take the course. Thank you."

Nicole K.

Trends That Are Shaping

The Future of Coaching & Mentoring

professional coaching programme
professional coaching programme

Does This

Feel Like You?

If you can identify with any or all of these, we have good news, you are in the perfect place!

What Can You Expect From A Professional Coaching Course?

The Sandown Business School Difference
a treble accredited school by the ICF, EMCC and AC

Traditional Approach

Our Approach

transformation stories from Our Students

Absolutely go for it, be hungry for it, absorb it, it will be transformational for you and all those you work with. As one of my peers said it feels like the ‘Ferrari’ of coaching courses. I will say you will be transformed personally; your practise will be transformed, and it will position you to achieve dreams – in a business sense, a life sense and with regards to the high-quality coaching you can offer. I can’t recommend it highly enough. You can guarantee the highest value content and there is an incredible synergy with the two founders combined approaches, that brings a quality, ethical, resourcing and knowledge. This permeates through the training and Business School.
The whole programme was impactful for me!! Why…because when I look at the first page of my notes and all the reasons “Why I want to be a great coach” was fulfilled and some. Like a kid in a sweet shop, it’s hard to choose which ones I would put in my bag. The Coaching Map captures it all beautifully, from being a learner, to using it in my coaching practice capturing the whole person (client and coach), remembering the SAS (Systems, Artistry, Science) and to not only notice the client’s system but also mine as a coach and if that is affecting the client. SAS is a world that I knew about in my many years of training and the concepts, but never used it in my coaching. This has been a great insight and development for me and now having that connection and depth of knowledge to grow and develop in my practice and to continually build moving forward. I’m excited to really let all that I’ve learned in SAS develop in my practice.
I believe the design of the Sandown Masters Programme, which seamlessly integrates the teaching of advanced modern coaching theories with practical coaching skills and culminates in a high-level accreditation, has had a massive impact on my personal and professional growth. The programme allows me walk away with a robust understanding of coaching theory and empowers me with practical coaching skills that are invaluable. The college pave the way for coaching accreditation, providing knowledge, support and practice to ensure students are educated to the required level to support the application. This was really valuable to support my journey towards becoming a professional coach. Finally, the programme not only encouraged me to embark on a transformative coaching development journey but also challenged me to deepen my self-awareness and foster personal growth which will continue long after the programme.
The features from the programme that have been the most impactful for me have been all the group competencies mentoring, the supervision and the observed practice sessions. This was carried out with the support and guidance of our course tutors against the backdrop of the competencies from various coaching organisations. These competencies brought clear guidelines and structure to the coaching process and most of all a reference point to anchor and evaluate my coaching practice. They helped me develop a clear coaching development plan going forward and I am sure will carry on being useful references to guide my development as a coach in the future. These elements were carried out simultaneously with theoretical learning in the programme and I found this was important to integrate theory with practice. All the support I received from the course tutors and my peers was paramount to facilitate this integrative learning!
I found the program to be well thought out overall. It is clear that everything we did, explored, collected, and created along the way was to serve a wider purpose towards accreditation. I feel enriched by all the things I learned and well-prepared for the next part of my journey. One of the features that had the most impact for me was the video learning catalogue. The quality of the learning in the videos was excellent, and I enjoyed the different styles of both Richella and Pheona. I found myself revisiting the videos frequently and always gaining new insights each time… I also greatly appreciated the group mentor coaching. As the group became smaller and more intimate, we were able to delve deeper into the competencies. It was a valuable experience. Additionally, the 1:1 sessions I had with Pheona to examine my coaching habits and how they aligned with the competencies were invaluable. I quickly realised that I needed to unlearn certain things and consciously focus on better ways to support my clients…

Ready to Help People

Adapt to the modern environment and really thrive?

Ignite High Impact Performance, Real Resilience And Unlock Your, Your Clients Or Your Teams Full Potential...

Coaching enables transformation all the way through your organisation. By modelling SAS coaching behaviours Leaders and Managers will be 'Walking their Talk'. This is becoming vital for organisations to achieve their mission critical tasks. Coaching is a source of cultural strength and everyone in key leadership positions has, at one time or another, lacked the skills to manage people, performance and power.

How coaching is revealed in the workplace today involves balancing directive and non-directive coaching styles. With the right approach, tools and support, almost any Leader or Manager can become a great coach.

The concept of workplace coaching represents an evolution. Making it happen as an everyday practice throughout many layers of an organisation is illustrated here.

coaching programme

Talk to us about coach training for organisations

We offer a comprehensive range of internal coach training and ongoing development opportunities, including accredited coach training, specialist coach training & supervision.

coaching programme

We also offer Executive Coaching 1:1 Get in contact for more information

Join Us And Discover How Professional Coaching Accreditation Can Be

The Rocket Fuel of Potential And Possibility

Ingrain Skills With A Variety Of Engaging And Unique Activities

Programme Launch

Getting to know your group. Being clear of your starting position. Set up the course expectations and set your goals. Getting to know your peers and starting your coaching journey.


Events focused on how to work with clients using bespoke tools that will immediately bring reward and balance to your clients.

Observed Practice

During observed practices you will receive feedback/feedforward from our trained assessors plus develop your own inner coach to determine your level of competency.

Skills Practice Groups (SPG)

Sessions with peers practicing competencies and skills aligned with course content. 


Your bespoke LMS platform guides you through your learning journey. Everything you need and more is on our system. We add additional resources at different stages depending on the coaching trends and business trends.

The Next Generation Of

We have developed a specially crafted learning experience that we know you will love. Effortless, Engaging and Effective training that includes interactive videos, e-books, quizzes, embedding exercises, assessments, certificates and belonging within a community.

Accreditation Camps

Celebrate your efforts with peers from all walks of life and share your learnings and experiences. Become part of a supportive community to keep up-to-date with the coaching world and get your questions answered when needed.

Learn And Grow On The Go!

Experience The Next Generation Of E-Learning

Research has found that remote learning maximises individual productivity through flexibility. Post pandemic, individuals are recognising the complex relationship between learning, wellbeing, workplace and social life.

Priorities have shifted towards a tighter integration of learning, work and personal needs. Successful learning-life integration requires savvy goal prioritisation.

We therefore have a unique opportunity to reimagine how digital technology can be more effective for individuals to learn remotely. With the developing digital capability, individuals can take advantage of learning online whilst harmonising work, life and learning.

We have developed a specially crafted learning experience that we know you will love. Effortless, Engaging and Effective training that includes interactive videos, e-books, quizzes, embedding exercises, assessments, certificates and belonging within a community.

Highlighted Benefits

Professional Resources

To Aid Your Success

Take A Peak Into Our Signature Workbooks and Learning Materials

Our Workbooks and Learning Materials are two of the many ways in which our programmes set us apart from other coach training organisations. We are not just seeking to ‘impart’ knowledge about coaching, how to be a good or even a great coach, what coaching skills are and how to use them. Instead, we are engaging our students to really ‘know’ who they are, recognise that ‘how they are’ and ‘how they show up’ dramatically impacts their coaching, their client, the systems and ultimately their business.

We are supporting our students to build their own Coach Signature. This provides them with the confidence to stand apart from the treadmill of other coaches. During our programmes our students develop their internal referencing to strengthen, equip and empower them from the inside … out. Whilst knowledge is useful and can provide confidence in our capabilities, on its own it is not enough. Instead we need: Knowledge+ embodied understanding + systemic awareness+ at the core … compassion (for self and other).

coaching programme

Our Upcoming Programmes run by a PCC and ACTC credentialed Master Executive Coach.

professional coaching course

Mentor Coaching
The Credential Pathway

Are you a Coach wanting to achieve real mastery in your coaching? Or a Trainer, Mentor and/or Supervisor wanting to deepen your practice? Do you need to save time and money to get the competencies embedded into your mind and practice? Come and learn how to master the ICF competencies at ACC and PCC level and integrate them effortlessly into your practice.

professional coaching course

Advanced Certification in Team Coaching

Recognise the power of teams to innovate and drive their business or mission forward. Get ahead of the curve and prepare now for your ICF Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC). This certification has been designed by Sandown Business School to recognise the knowledge, skill and competence of team coaches in this complex discipline of coaching practice.

coaching with pheona

60+ Years Of Wisdom
From Our Master Coaches & Mentors

professional coaching course

Be Free Series - Thrive with EuStress

This is your complete monthly programme. By purchasing this option, you will receive access to all the materials relating to your chosen topic. This topic includes weekly additional learning materials which have been specifically developed with the topic in mind...

professional coaching course

Be Free Series - Thrive with EuStress (mini)

This is your 'mini' monthly programme. By purchasing this option, you will receive access to materials relating to your chosen topic. This topic includes weekly access to a video designed and prepared by Master Coaches, weekly worksheets designed to accompany...

This Course Starts in

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